Web copy...........Emails..........Case studies..........White papers
Newsletters..........SEO-optimized blog posts..........Video scripts
Articles, including ghostwritten articles..........E-books
Speeches......... Long-form Facebook Ads
Brochures..........Direct Mail
Have a project that’s not on this list? I may still be able to help. Contact me to discuss it.
If I’m not the right person for the job, I’ll let you know immediately so you can find someone who is.
Read what clients, editors, readers and subject-matter experts say here .
How to transform your writing staff into a lead-generating, sales-driving powerhouse
White Paper
Copywriting and Marketing Content Learning and EducationExecutive Summary Ever feel you have too much to juggle? Marketing execs have never felt more stress. While you grapple with new media like chatbots and Ti...
Case study: Internists Cut Overhead, End Cash-Flow Worries, Plan for Long Healthy Future
Copywriting and Marketing Content Health, Healthcare and Medicine“Big medical groups rely on executive teams and governing boards for business expertise,” Rossi said. “We’re on our own. Every one of our physicians has take...
Case study: Gentle Chiropractic Helps Keep Tough Back Pain at Bay
Copywriting and Marketing Content Health, Healthcare and MedicineJonathan, a program manager at a major technology company, loves the intensity of his martial-arts fitness routine. Three or four times a week he spends an h...
“My boss was a cheapskate. Now I can give myself a raise.”
"Ever notice how good food makes everybody happier? I found that out as a little kid in my mom’s kitchen. Great food makes people laugh louder, talk smarte...
"Today a woman emailed me to ask if trading stocks could help build a strong financial future for herself and her family...even if they don't have a huge nes...
"...So what does all this mean for you? • No more 3 a.m. anxiety about whether you’ve picked the right electrical contractor or kept a close enough eye on y...
"Five Easy Steps to an Awesome Night Downtown" -- Sample web page -- Casual dining restaurant
Copywriting and Marketing Content“Phil’s Restaurant on the Pier” or “Five Easy Steps to an Awesome Night Downtown” STEP ONE -- Come on in. Grabbing a quick bite on the way home from the of...
Longform VSL -- men's nutrition and fitness
Fit Father Project
Copywriting and Marketing Content Health, Healthcare and Medicine"Some things stay with you forever…. Like memories from when you were a little kid…. I’m AXXXXXXX… And what I remember is the time before everything changed…...

"Copy can have the same problem as carrots – lumpy language that keeps customers from loving its crunchy nutritious goodness. But there’s good news. The veg...
"Third grade was tough. My best friend Charlie moved to Toledo. Division and bar graphs were not my friends. And could I correctly label the complete predica...
"We're hoping to prove that doing good can be good business, that they're not mutually exclusive."